Characteristics of the Personality Type Color - YELLOW
These are considered to be the personality type color Yellow strengths and weaknesses.
Natural Strengths | Natural Weaknesses |
- Patient
- Easygoing
- Team player
- Stable
- Empathetic
- Compassionate
- Sensitive to feelings of others
- Tremendously loyal
- Puts people above projects
- Dependable
- Reliable
- Supportive
- Agreeable
| - Indecisive
- Over accommodating
- May sacrifice results for the sake of harmony
- Slow to initiate
- Avoids confrontation even when needed
- Tends to hold grudges
- Fears change
- Ignores or sacrifices own needs
Here are what the personality type color YELLOW usually is:
Basic disposition: Slow-paced, people-oriented.
Motivated by; Desire for good relationships and appreciation of others.
Time management: Focus on the present and devote lots of time to helping others and building relationships.
Communication style: Two-way communicators; great listeners and provide empathetic response.
Decision making: Make decisions more slowly, want input of others, and often yield to that input.
In pressure or tense situations: Give in to the opinions ideas and wishes of others. Often overly tolerant.
Greatest needs: Security, gradual change and time to adjust to it; environment free of conflict.
What the personality type color YELLOW desires: Quality relationships, security, and a consistent known environment; their own area or specially a relaxed and friendly environment and freedom to work at their own pace.
not that is more like it!!! i can get a gNite sleeeeep now!!!